
TJ Fornof: Guitar/Vocals
Chris McNabb: Bass/Vocals
Carlos Roy: Drums/Vocals
FraggleBlast traces its roots back to early 1999. Jay and Los were notorious for skipping class on a daily basis and terrorizing the Tekken 3 arcade machine at Aladdin's Castle in the mall. Day in and day out, all challengers were systematically crushed beneath their combined might.
All except for one.
Chris was an arcade gladiator. A man who came from humble beginnings and fought his way through adversity to earn the coveted title of Assistant Manager at the arcade. Armed with an endless supply of free tokens and knowledge of every cheat and exploit in the book, Chris lamed his way to victory and was finally able to topple the Tekken titans in a series of battles that shook the foundation of life itself. This event was heralded throughout the generations as "The Day Shit Got Serious."
Beaten, but not defeated, Jay and Los devised a plan of vengeance. One that would ultimately take three years to reach fruition, but would forever impact the world as we know it. They would form a band and recruit their arch-nemesis as a bass player. But there was just one small problem: Los was already a bass player. In order for the plan to succeed, Los would have to give up playing bass forever and start learning drums. After a brief visit to the local pawn shop to pick up a crappy drum kit, all of the pieces were in place. It was time.
Convincing Chris to join their ranks was a simple matter: Jay would write some really catchy tunes and Los would give Chris his old bass guitar. With that, the trap was sprung. You see, the bass guitar was right-handed. Chris was a lefty.
For three long years, the band played shows frequently and hosted many house parties at what would eventually be known as The FragglePad. Throughout the tenure, Chris was forced to play an instrument that was completely backwards to everything he had ever known. Doing so required his full concentration, thus weakening his abilities as a Tekken player.
Just as FraggleBlast's popularity soared, the final piece of the puzzle hit the table. An attorney for the Jim Henson company issued the band a cease-and-desist letter for using the word "fraggle" and likenesses of muppet characters on the band's website. Los quickly negotiated the terms of surrender. FraggleBlast would give up its website. In return, the band would receive a free Playstation 2 and a copy of Tekken Tag Tournament. Now able to play Tekken at home, Jay and Los's skills grew until they were finally able to defeat Chris and all of his stupid, cheap moves. With vengeance finally served, the band was promptly dissolved.
Jay is now happily married and resides in Dallas, Texas. He has long since retired from the world of Tekken, but has become a champion Black Ops player. He has reached the 15th level of prestige and is way better than you at any Call of Duty game.
After his defeat, Chris gave up his old identity and became reborn as an asian dude. He now lives in Tokyo, Japan, but spends most of his time in Lafayette.
Los went on to play drums in several bands, most recently Mission vs Madness. He now tours the Gulf Coast constantly, making no money, and has probably slept on your porch more than once. He still plays Tekken.
Sit Down Son - Jingle My What
Sit Down Son - Pillow Tripping
Sit Down Son - Werkin' Sux
Sit Down Son - Fallen
Sit Down Son - Lane 8 (GTFO)
Sit Down Son - Milk Dud
Sit Down Son - Mr. Unforunate
Sit Down Son - So Be It
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